Here’s what you can expect if you drop in on the Smiths: music, food, laughter and works in progress. You may find Treci spontaneously restyling a room (inspiration can strike at any time) or tucked away in her studio reworking one of the many pieces she found on her latest vintage hunt. Amir is most likely checking on the chickens or busy on his current project: transforming the kids former treehouse into a Zen space, complete with a sauna. All of this takes place on their sprawling property in southern California where they live with their four children (all back home during the pandemic) chickens and their labradoodle, Rose. The Smiths are close to being empty nesters with their youngest leaving for college fall. But as most parents know, the nest is never truly empty. All four of their children still manage to make it home for one of their regular family dinners and to do laundry, of course.